Monday, October 20, 2008

Student Poem

A brilliant and touching new poem by an S2S member:


By Brittany

I don’t want to write

I want my feelings to stay

I’m mad at you all

Who can I trust?

Since you left

I have been a mess

You left me here

It’s been a week

Maybe to learn

Or to be safe

Maybe even just to grow up

I wish to be with you

No more staying up late

I love you when you are awake

Tears are often

When will soon be here?

My heart weakens

It’s been working over time

My body aches

How much longer do I have to wait for a hug from just you?

I took you for granted

I should have never done it

I know your last photos taken

Was the best time of our lives

You were really happy that night

I was too just watching you

I let you leave one Thursday evening

To go fishing

I didn’t stop you

I knew you needed time to think

A few days had gone by very fast

I couldn’t resist looking at the past

Pictures and movies of you

Made me feel you were here giving me a real hug

Like you always do

But now looking back

There are no pictures of just us

I wish there was

So I don’t have to pause reality

To think of our time together

I’m OK right now

Learning about you through another persons eyes

I can’t wait to see yours

Light up and cry

Like mother like daughter

We will see each other soon

Listen to each other speak on the phone every single day

Until the heart of the future takes its last beat

I love you more then the amount of breaths it will ever take

I love you mom

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Keeping Up With The Times

A huge part of getting an education involves not just doing well in your academic subjects at school, but following events around the country and around the world. The earlier this becomes a habit, the easier it is to maintain.

Consider the following three questions asked in a recent survey:

1. What party has a majority in the House of Representatives?

2. Who is the Secretary of State of the US?

3. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

Know the answers? Only 18% of the adult population in the US got all three of those right. That is not just sad its scary. Especially when you know that we have a Presidential election coming up and people have to make some very serious decisions on the future of the country.

Whats interesting is the breakdown on this chart showing the various reading, viewing and listening habits of people and seeing what the most informed ones are doing right.

ITC students are young and bright. Now is the time to develop those habits that become life long tools for success. Switch from MTV and Hot 107.9 and listen to NPR or CNN for an hour a day.

(Answers: Democrats, Condaleeza Rice, Gordon Brown.)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall in CNY

Is there a more beautiful time anywhere? Sit back, grab a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the slideshow.

Pic: J. O'Connell

Monday, October 6, 2008

Regents Review Website

I have posted a new link on the right to give you access to all past regents in all subjects. This will be very helpful in helping you prepare for the Regents exams needed to graduate. Nothing prepares you better to do well in a regents exam than doing the old ones.