A huge part of getting an education involves not just doing well in your academic subjects at school, but following events around the country and around the world. The earlier this becomes a habit, the easier it is to maintain.
Consider the following three questions asked in a recent survey:
1. What party has a majority in the House of Representatives?
2. Who is the Secretary of State of the US?
3. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Know the answers? Only 18% of the
Whats interesting is the breakdown on this chart showing the various reading, viewing and listening habits of people and seeing what the most informed ones are doing right.
ITC students are young and bright. Now is the time to develop those habits that become life long tools for success. Switch from MTV and Hot 107.9 and listen to NPR or CNN for an hour a day.
(Answers: Democrats, Condaleeza Rice, Gordon Brown.)
i knew #3 for sure, but you ask like 90% of people they'll say its still Tony Blaire
ummm i dont think im that stupid, but i have no clue of the answers to those questions, i need to read the paper more often
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