A new poem by Brittany. She says this one is about getting over someone and still giving her confidence to move on.
WAITING by Brittany D.When your first love hits you,
What do you do?
Waiting for them to do something can take years.
Involving much thinking with tears that seem to never run out of clouds.
As little girls dream about prince charming sweeping them off their feet,
Older girls wish they could catch a glimpse of what was once dreaming,
Turned into hoping.
When finding the man that seems to make everything ok,
Don’t ever let them go.
Even if the timing,
The words never seem right.
Feeling like you’re not that girl that’s filled with the special ingredient
He’s been waiting for,
Turns into greed.
That eats with pain on the inside.
Is it ok to want someone soooo much,
You cut off all contact with the rest of the world
In order to keep what isn’t now,
But maybe in the future yours?
Keeping a close eye on the item that makes your life complete
Can drive a person crazy.
That one item goes on and off the market.
But yet no matter what,
You still never arrive when it goes on sale.
Waiting for the right day you can take that perfect piece of history home.
Your closet cleaned out and ready for a fresh start.
That’s when the tears are complete.
While sitting here now
The perfect man is out there
He doesn’t have a girlfriend yet.
I want him like a camera wants an emotion,
Like a seed wants water,
Like a baby needs a guardian.
I don’t even know how to talk to him out side the friend zone.
The reaction is my worst fear.
A door will either open or close.
The only question is when will I decide to knock,
Speak and let myself face
The temptation that lies beneath?